Saturday, July 18, 2015


Ang Ungo Sa Fort San Pedro



Motoo ba ka nga dunay langit? Motoo ba ka ug ikaduhang kinabuhi? Motoo ba ka nga dunay second chance? Mao ni ang nahitabo naku…

Deep breathing of a person can be heard in the background. Running feet in slippers can be seen on the screen.

SCENE 2. EXTERIOR, MAGELLAN’S PARK, NIGHT. Some teenage kids are building tents while others are singing worship songs, like “The Lord Is My Tower”, synchronized with dancing. And some are doing Bible-sharing.

SCENE 3. EXTERIOR, DARK ROAD, NIGHT. FROILAN, a 15-year-old street kid, the one who is wearing slippers, is still running. Two HOODLUMS are chasing him. FROILAN is caught and beaten by the HOODLUMS. Kneeling on the road, FROILAN is crying in tears. A gun is pointed on FROILAN’s forehead.

Sir, malooy mo naku, Sir! Bata pa ko, Sir. Kinse pa ko, Sir. Di pa ko gustong mamatay Sir.

                        Kinse, unya kamao nang mangarnap?

Sir, dili ‘tawn ko dautang taw’, Sir! Aku ra ‘tawn ‘tong gibalhin ang motor, Sir, ky nagbabag sa karsada. Pasaylo-a ‘tawn ko, Sir.

Ato na lang ni siyang i-salvage!

Sir, malooy intawn mo naku! Ayaw ‘tawn, Sir! Dios ko, luwasa intawn ko! Magbag-o na lagi ko sa akong kinabuhi. Dili na ko magpabadlong.

FROILAN closes his eyes as HOODLUM #1 is about to pull the trigger. There is a sudden peal of thunder and lightning hits on the middle of the road just a little distance from behind FROILAN. HOODLUMS’s POV. A middle-aged priest, GABRIEL, rises from the smokes created by the lightning that hit on the road. GABRIEL’S POV. The HOODLUMS run towards the motorcycle. Quickly, they ride on the motorcycle and start it. They are leaving in a rush. BACK TO FROILAN, he is surprised to see the HOODLUMS leaving. He turns around towards the direction of GABRIEL. FROILAN, in tears, embraces GABRIEL.

                        Salamat kaayo, Father! Kon wala pa ka moabot, hayan na-anhing na ko

Way sapayan. Dali, kuyog ta!

SCENE 4. EXTERIOR, MAGELLAN’S PARK, MIDNIGHT. GABRIEL leads the teenage kids in singing and dancing the action song, “Deep, Deep”. While FROILAN tries to imitate the action, Gwyneth, who looks conservative with her eyeglasses, transfers nearer to him. Seeing this, NAP, a funny gay, stays between them. The jealous HOWARD, a handsome kid but lacks self-esteem who is secretly in love with GWYNETH, walks away from the group. But his nerd-looking best friend, TEDDY, pushes him back to the group. While GERALD, a playboy-type, is dancing between GWYNETH and Elaine. ELAINE, who is sophisticated, is smiling at GERALD. After praise and worship, GABRIEL tells everyone to sleep. GABRIEL has noticed that NAP, GWYNETH, GERALD and ELAINE are looking at each other in a meaningful way as if they are planning something naughty before they go to sleep. But he just keeps his reaction to himself as if telling, “I know what you are doing.” When everybody has fallen asleep, NAP, GWYNETH, GERALD and ELAINE rise up. TEDDY, seeing this, wakes up HOWARD, and they join the group. They wake FROILAN, who is wondering why, and signal him to be silent. They sneak out from the tent and run silently towards the Fort San Pedro. GABRIEL who is awake and just observing what they are doing follow them like a comic stalker.

SCENE 5. EXTERIOR, FORT SAN PEDRO, ESTABLISHING SHOT, MIDNIGHT. NAP, GWYNETH, GERALD, ELAINE, HOWARD, TEDDY and FROILAN run like cats towards the main entrance. FROILAN, who has heard a noise, looks back. The other kids also look back. Swiftly, GABRIEL hides himself behind the wall. When they see nothing, the five teenage kids enter the door way.

SCENE 6. INTERIOR, FORT SAN PEDRO, HALLWAY, MIDNIGHT. The SECURITY GUARD can be seen sleeping at the table near the Reception Area.

                        Mag-unsa man ta nganhi?

                        Mag-witch-hunting ta. Naa kunoy ungo nga nagpuyo dinhi sa
                        Fort San Pedro.

NAP walks like a cat towards the SECURITY GUARD.

                        Ungo diay? Ingon mga multo?

Dili ordinaryong multo ang nagpuyo nganhi. Ingon sa akong lola, naa kunoy kaperosa nganhi.

                        Unsay kaperosa ba?

NAP stretches his hand as if he will touch the front of the SECURITY GUARD.

Shodi abas oi, mga toyabz,  kay maka-atamz ang guard. Akong signiton ang iyang…

                        Ang unsa?

NAP suddenly grabs the keys on the waist of the SECURITY GUARD. Then he shows the keys to GWYNETH. The kids run silently towards the rooms. Using the keys, they open the first room and peep in. They hop in to the next room and enter.

SCENE 7. INTERIOR, ROOM, MIDNIGHT. NAP is looking for something in the drawers. INTERCUT. ON THE LEFT, GABRIEL from outside the window, AND ON THE RIGHT, GWYNETH and FROILAN are looking at the painting on the wall. The painting depicts a nun wearing a brown woolen robe, a veil and a wimple (a cloth covering for the neck and the sides of the face) and a habit composed of a robe with broad pleats, a camlet (wool fabric) garment, a domino (a short, sleeveless hooded cape) and a black bonnet. At the bottom of a frame is a plate indicating – MARGARITA ALBA (born on October 31, 1737 – died on October 31, 1758).

SCENE 8. FLASHBACK. INTERIOR, FORT SAN PEDRO, GOBERNADORCILLO’S OFFICE, 18TH CENTURY, DAY. The GOBERNADORCILLO is sitting on a chair which is besides a table where the CUADRILLEROS are talking some business. On the other side of the GOBERNADORCILLO, are CUADRILLEROS’ WIVES -- one is seated on a chair and she is combing the hair of another woman who is sitting on the floor while a third woman is listening to the men talking.  At the doorway stands the TWO CIVIL GUARDS. MARGARITA comes in wearing a Rococo gown.

Buen día , mi señora.

SUBTITLE: “Good day, my lady.”

Necesito una audiencia con el Gobernadorcillo .

SUBTITLE: “I need an audience with the Gobernadorcillo.”

While MARGARITA is talking with the GUARDIA CIVIL #1, the CUADRILLEROS’ WIVES are gossiping.

                        Quién es ella?

SUBTITLE: “Who is she?”

                        Eso es Margarita , la hija de la bruja.

SUBTITLE: “That is Margarita, the daughter of the witch.”

                       Ella es la hija bastarda de don Jaime Alba, un noble de la dinastía Estuardo de Escocia.

SUBTITLE: “She is the bastard daughter of Don Jaime Alba, a noble from the Stuart dynasty of Scotland.”

Passing through the TWO CIVIL GUARDS, MARGARITA enters the room angrily. The GOBERNADORCILLO stands up and takes the hand of MARGARITA to kiss it but MARGARITA pushes his hand away.

                        ¿Dónde está Gabriel ? ¿Lo mataste? Gabriel ... !

SUBTITLE: “Where is Gabriel? Did you kill him? Gabriel…!”

(sarcastically laughs)
El anciano, Gabriel, ama a la Iglesia más que tú. Ya ha entrado en el sacerdocio.

SUBTITLE: “The old man, Gabriel, loves the Church more than you. He has already entered the priesthood.”

The CUADRILLEROS and the CUADRILLEROS’ WIVES are laughing and gossiping. MARGARITA bursts into tears and runs outside the room.

SCENE 9. INTERIOR, FORT SAN PEDRO, HALLWAY, DAY. GABRIEL, wearing a priestly robe, is walking to the back entrance when he sees MARGARITA coming out from the GOBERNADORCILLO’S OFFICE and runs towards the back entrance.


There is a surprise, excitement, and joy in MARGARITA’s face after seeing GABRIEL. She gladly embraces GABRIEL. She is in tears of joy. 

                        Gabriel?...  Gabriel…!

Nakasal na ako sa Santa Iglesia, Margarita! Gimahal ko ikaw. Apan mas gimahal ko ang Santa Iglesia.

Gimahal ko usab ang Ginoo. Kondili kita magkadayon, hingpit na lang usab akong mag-alagad Kaniya.

SCENE 10. BACK TO INTERIOR, ROOM, MIDNIGHT.  GABRIEL is still looking at the painting from outside the window. Tears are running from his eyes. FROILAN, who is still watching GABRIEL, wonders why he is crying. A black cat, with a loud meow, suddenly jumps at NAP who is searching the drawers. FROILAN’s attention has diverted to the cat.

                        Ay, iring gilaygit! Ungo nga dakog itlog!

When FROILAN looks back at the direction of the window, GABRIEL is already gone. NAP finds an Ouija board where the cat jumps.

Unsa man ni? Ouija board! Pero karaan dili parehas atong sa salida nga Ouija Board, triangle. Kini, lingin kinahanglan  pa ug baso.

GWYNETH has found a candle with a holder; HOWARD, a safety match; and TEDDY, a glass.

Hmmm, mura’g kita na ko ini sa salida nga Spirit of the Glass.

The lights are switched off. A candle being lit, a match stricken and its smoke trapped in the glass which is put over the Ouija board can be seen on the screen. FADE IN TO FROILAN, NAP, GWYNETH, HOWARD, TEDDY, GERALD and ELAINE PLAYING THE “SPIRIT-OF-THE-GLASS” GAME. They utter the chant -- “Spirit of the glass, spirit of the glass… please, come in!”  At first they push the glass with their right second finger touching it. They are laughing as if they are fooling themselves that some spirit is moving the glass but in fact they are manipulating it to move to different letters.

This is all fake, I need proof. Is there anyone in here? If anything is in here and not talking, you’re a coward.

                        Tana, Gerald, mangadto ta sa taas. Mas dunay thrill ngadto.

As ELAINE and GERALD have left the room, the other five kids are startled since the glass moves now by its own towards the letters -- Y-A-W-A. Then the lights in the entire fort go off.  They start screaming.

                        Kon tinood ka nga ispirtu, palihuka ning mga butang dinhi!

The chandelier in the room begins to shake violently and the chimes ring like pieces of metal being smashed together. The glass abruptly floats upward and shattered. A black smoke then comes in. The room becomes as cold as ice and the kids are shivering. The horrible stench of death fills the room and the kids cannot stop gagging and coughing.

                        Kabaho arong patay! Unsa na man ni?

                        Katugnaw. Gwyneth pagaksa ko’g hugot bi.

                        Ayaw na mo sige ug tinonto kay dili na ni duwa-duwa.

NAP throws away the Ouija board. The black smoke spins around the room and turns into a KAPEROSA, a ghost wearing a habit like that of the nun in the painting but its face is like the Halloween’s jack-o’-lantern, a hideous pumpkin lit with flickering fire from within, and its hands are like claws of a barn owl. The KAPEROSA is screaming like a banshee. Black smokes are belching from the bottom of its robe. It is surrounded by a ring of fire and the room becomes so hot. TEDDY hides under the table. HOWARD, FROILAN and GWYNETH run towards the door.

                        Howard! Froilan! Gwyneth! Ayaw ko ninyo’g biya-i!


HOWARD, FROILAN and GWYNETH go back when they see that NAP cannot move out from his position. NAP is jogging in place and screaming but without voice. He is pointing at his feet. The KAPEROSA swoops down and attacks HOWARD, FROILAN and GWYNETH with its claws. The three kids shout in pain. The KAPEROSA then flies towards NAP. But when it is about to hover over NAP, TEDDY, who has found a fire extinguisher, comes out from under the table and sprays the fire extinguisher at the KAPEROSA. TEDDY is screaming which startles the KAPEROSA for a while. HOWARD, GWYNETH and FROILAN pull NAP but he is stuck and cannot be moved.

                        Teddy, sakto na ‘na! Tabangi mi’g alsa ining Nap!

TEDDY throws the fire extinguisher at the KAPEROSA. Together, HOWARD, GWYNETH, FROILAN, and TEDDY carry NAP towards the door. The KAPEROSA is still following them.

SCENE 11. INTERIOR, HALLWAY, MIDNIGHT. The lights are flickering. A loud peal of thunder is heard on the background. Lightning flashes can be seen from the outside. Heavy rains pour. The wind is blowing towards the inside of the hallway. The SECURITY GUARD is awakened by the gush of the wind. He gets his flashlight on the table and runs towards the entrance door. As he closes the entrance door, HOWARD, GWYNETH, FROILAN, and TEDDY who are carrying NAP enter into the hallway from the museum. They walk fast towards the entrance door. The SECURITY GUARD is startled at first to see them but when he recovers he shouts and runs towards them. HOWARD, GWYNETH, FROILAN and TEDDY have dropped NAP on the floor and run upstairs. NAP shouts in pain but in a comical manner. The SECURITY GUARD grabs the hand of NAP but comically, he is shocked when the KAPIROSA floats from the museum towards them. NAP stands up and runs comically towards the entrance door. When he is about to open the entrance door, NAP looks back. NAP’s POV. The KAPEROSA floats over the SECURITY GUARD. The SECURITY GUARD is enveloped by a thick black smoke and the KAPEROSA is also turning into a smoke. A scream of excruciating pain is heard on the background. When the smoke is gone the KAPEROSA and the SECURITY GUARD are also gone. BACK TO NAP, NAP hurriedly opens the entrance door. As he opens the door, NAP bumps into GABRIEL. NAP screams hysterically.

                        Ungo! Ungo! Ungo…!

GABRIEL gets a pail of water and pours it on NAP’s head. NAP has awakened from his nostalgia and hugs GABRIEL in fear. GABRIEL signals NAP to go back to the camp as he enters the hallway.

SCENE 12. EXTERIOR, FORT SAN PEDRO, SECOND FLOOR, MIDNIGHT. GERARLD is flirting with ELAINE while the latter is playing hard to get.

                        Sige na gud, Elaine. Ayaw na sige ug pakipot ba. Sugta na ko ba.

Pag-sure baya, Gerald. Wa jud koy salig sa imong pagka-playboy. Unsaon na man lang si Maja, si Farina, si Bea, si Sarah ug si Kim?

                        Chismis ra lagi na. Sige na, uyab na ta…!

Suddenly, a black smoke comes in and turns into the KAPEROSA. ELAINE, who is facing the direction of the KAPEROSA, is terrified to see it.


                        Elaine… Ngano? Sugton na ko nimo?

                        Gerald, kaperosa! Naay kaperosa!

INTERCUT. ON THE LEFT, HOWARD, GWYNETH, FROILAN AND TEDDY entering from the stairs they run towards the first door. on the right, elaine and gerald are running towards the other direction. FADE IN. FROILAN’s hand can be seen twisting the doorknob which is locked on the screen.  CLOSE-UP TO ELAINE AND GERALD’S FACES SCREAMING. The KAPIROSA hovers over ELAINE and GERALD and it turns back into a thick black smoke. The black smoke envelops the two kids who are screaming in excruciating pain. As the black smoke vanishes, the two kids also vanish. FADE IN, HOWARD, GWYNETH, FROILAN and TEDDY run to the second door and it is open. They enter hurriedly and close it.

SCENE 13. INTERIOR, MUSEUM, MIDNIGHT. FROILAN and GWYNETH find a place to hide inside the room. As soon as they hide, HOWARD, GWYNETH, FROILAN and TEDDY see the ghost of the GOBERNADORCILLO pouring liquor on his wine glass and drinks. Then they see the ghost of MARGARITA coming through the locked door. She is wearing the habit like that of the KAPEROSA.
                        ¿Dónde están los huérfanos?

SUBTITLE: “Where are the orphans?”

The GOBERNADORCILLO bursts into laughter.

Tengo los ahorcaron porque habían robado las existencias de arroz del granero. Servirá como una lección para todos los ladrones como ellos.

SUBTITLE: “I have them hanged because they had stolen the stocks of rice from the granary. It will serve as a lesson for all the thieves like them.”

The GOBERNADORCILLO sarcastically laughs. MARGARITA angrily jobs the GOBERNADORCILLO femininely. He grabs her hands, embraces her, and tries to kiss her. MARGARITA fights back but the GOBERNADORCILLO jobs her stomach. MARGARITA who is unable to endure the pain collapses to the floor. The GOBERNADORCILLO takes off his clothes and rapes MARGARITA. GABRIEL in a priestly robe come in through the locked door and punches the GOBERNADORCILLO on the face. The GOBERNADORCILLO gets his revolver and shoots GABRIEL by the heart. GABRIEL drops dead. FROILAN and GWYNETH are in shock. TEDDY is about to shout out loud but HOWARD abruptly shuts his mouth.  The GOBERNADORCILLO is walking in circles realizing what he has done. But then after getting an idea, the GOBERNADORCILLO puts the revolver on the hand of the unconscious MARGARITA and then he runs through the locked door. MARGARITA has awakened. She is shocked to find the dead body of GABRIEL. She wails so loud. The GOBERNADORCILLO comes back with the TWO CIVIL GUARDS, the CUADRILLEROS and the CUADRILLERO’S WIVES who are all shocked to see the tragic scene.

Ella es un asesino ! Una puta ! Llévala al tribunal !

SUBTITLE: “She is a murderer! A whore! Take her to the tribunal!”


Date prisa! Levántate!

SUBTITLE: “Hurry up! Stand up!”
Lo siento, mi señora . Pero tienes que venir con nosotros.

SUBTITLE: “I am sorry, my lady. But you must come with us.”

The TWO CIVIL GUARDS take MARGARITA outside through the locked door. The GOBERNADORCILLO, together with the CUADRILLEROS and the CUADRILLERO’S WIVES, follows them. TEDDY screaming runs to the door but bangs on it and cries in pain. HOWARD and GWYNETH run to help TEDDY. GWYNETH unlocks the door and after unlocking it she, together with HOWARD and TEDDY, runs outside. FROILAN runs towards GABRIEL and checks on him.

Father! Father Gabriel! Pagmata! Malooy ka, ayaw ko biya-ing mag-inusara! Ikaw ra ang bugtong nakong paglaum!

FROILAN bursts into sobs and cries. GABRIEL is enveloped by light and is awakened.

Salamat, anak! Tungod sa imong pagmahal, gawasnon na ko gikan sa walay kahumanan ug balik-balik nga kamatayon!

SCENE 14. EXTERIOR, FORT SAN PEDRO, ROOFTOP, DAWN. FROILAN and GABRIEL come out from the museum. Commotions of people shouting can be heard in the background.

Mátala! Ella es hija de una bruja !

SUBTITLE: “Kill her! She is a daughter of a witch!”

Cuelgue hasta la muerte !

SUBTITLE: “Hang her to death!”

Ella es una puta ! Piedra hasta la muerte !

SUBTITLE: “She is a whore! Stone her to death!”

¡No! Quemarla en la hoguera ! 

SUBTITLE: “No! Burn her at the stake!”

Nuestro Padre que mora en los cielos, santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino, hágase tu voluntad.

SUBTITLE: “Our Father who dwells in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done.”

¡Espera! ¡Escucha! Ella está rezando la Oración del Señor. Ella no es una bruja! Establezca su libre!

SUBTITLE: “Wait! Listen! She is praying the Lord's Prayer. She is not a witch! Set her free!”

                        El diablo fue capaz de tomar la apariencia de un ángel. Que nadie se engañe.

SUBTITLE: “The Devil was able to take on the appearance of an angel. Let no one be deceived.”


SUBTITLE: “Kill her!”

All the CUADRILLEROS and the CUADRILLEROS’ WIVES are shouting “Mátala!”. GABRIEL, followed by FROILAN, runs towards the edge of the rooftop where the courtyard can be seen. FROILAN’s POV. MARGARITA who is tied on a stake is being burned by the fire while the people -- the CIVIL GUARDS, the CUADRILLEROS and the WOMEN -- around are shouting in mockery. MARGARITA is screaming in excruciating pain. Devilish smile can be seen on the face of the GOBERNADORCILLO.

Dili aku makatoo sa akong nasaksihan. Ang nangagi misagol sa karon. Ug dili ko makatoo nga adunay mga tawo nga ingon niato kaluog ug ingon ato katig-a ug balati-an. Unsang matanga sila sa pagka-Kristyanos?

                        Margarita…! Margarita…!

SCENE 15. EXTERIOR, FORT SAN PEDRO, COURTYARD, DAWN. Only ashes are left at the bonfire. The GOBERNADORCILLO, the CUADRILLEROS, the CUADRILLEROS’ WIVES, and the TWO CIVIL GUARDS are still there. Still, there is no remorse in their faces.

Sa akong nadunggan nga mga istorya, usa ka kabus nga babaylan nga gipaangkan ug Katsila ang inahan ni Margarita. Pero mikalit sila ug kadatu sa dihang namatay ang amahan ni Margarita.

Suddenly smokes appear and transform into MARGARITA’S MOTHER, who is wearing a queenly black gown during the Georgian Era and holding a jack-o’-lantern, comes near to the ashes.

                        Margarita, anak!

Everybody is terrified to see MARGARITA’S MOTHER. She picks up the hood, which is part of the nun’s domino, which is left unburned.

Kining kapirosa mao ang saksi sa iyang pagsimba sa inyong Diyos pero unsay iyang gidangatan? Kamatayon!

MARGARITA’S MOTHER takes the ashes and throws them at the GOBERNADORCILLO.

Unsaon man nimo kining balay nga bato kon ikaw dili na usa ka tawo? Sukad karon mahimo ka nang usa ka Kaperosa nga maglatagaw niining Fuerte de San Pedro hangtod sa hangtod. Ang tanang tawo nga maigu sa imong anino kan-on sa asu sa daub sa akong anak! Ug walay bisan si kinsa ang pili-on niini, bisan pa ang cuadrilleros ug ang ilang mga asawa!

The GOBERNADORCILLO is transformed into a barn owl. The barn owl flies up and screeches loudly. The jack-o’-lantern is thrown at the head of the owl. She throws the hood at the owl and it transforms into an undamaged nun’s habit which envelops the owl as if its clothes. The owl is screeching much louder. The GOBERNADORCILLO has totally transformed into the KAPEROSA. The KAPEROSA then floats towards the direction of the CUADRILLEROS, the CUADRILLEROS’ WIVES, and the TWO CIVIL GUARDS who are firing at the KAPEROSA in vain.  They are enveloped with black smokes. They scream and wail in excruciating pain.

Bugtong ang hilak ra sa mga inosenteng bata nga imong gisakit ug gipatay ang makaluwas sa imong kalag!

MARGARITA’S MOTHER is enveloped by black smokes and vanished. GWYNETH enters from the back entrance and runs to the courtyard. HOWARD and TEDDY run after her but stop upon seeing the KAPEROSA floating towards GWYNETH. GWYNETH who is very terrified runs around the area screaming for help until she falls near the staircase. The KAPEROSA is about to hover her. FROILAN, who is carrying a Bible, runs downstairs and embraces GWYNETH.


FROILAN opens a page in the Bible. The KAPEROSA, who is floating towards FROILAN and GWYNETH, is screeching loudly. HOWARD and TEDDY kneel down and pray.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He made me lie down in green pastures: he led me beside the still waters. He restored my soul: he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me. You prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies: you anointed my head with oil; my cup ran over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

GABRIEL, who is holding a cross and a bottle of holy water, runs downstairs. He raises the cross and sprinkles holy water at the KAPEROSA.

Sa ngalan ni Hesus, gimando-an ko ikaw sa pagpahawa niining lugara ug padayon ngadto sa lugar diin ikaw angayan nga moadto! Pahawa, Satanas!

The KAPEROSA screams loudly. A loud cry of a new-born baby can be heard in the background. The whole body of the KAPIROSA sparks, a-blazed, and burns into ashes. GABRIEL, FROILAN and GWYNETH walk near to the altar where the baby cry is coming. A new-born baby boy, who is lying at the foot of the vacant glass case of the Señor Santo Niño, is smiling at them. FROILAN puts the Bible beside the baby boy. When FROILAN is about to hold and carry the baby it disappears and the image of the Señor Santo Niño is back inside the glass case.


GABRIEL looks behind. MARGARITA, who is wearing her rococo gown, is standing near.

Froilan, daghan kaayong salamat sa imong tabang. Ang imong pagbalik sa Dios, ang imong pagmahal sa imong isig ka-tawo ug ang imong pagpasaylo sa mga tawo nga nakasala kanimo maoy nakapalinggawas kanamo gikan sa gahum sa yawa nga mibilanggo kanamo sulod sa dugay nga panahon.

                        Tana uban kanamo, Froilan.  Kinahanglan na kitang motabok
                        sa kahayag.

FROILAN is confused.

FLASHBACK TO SCENE 3, CLOSE-UP ON FROILAN’S FACE, NIGHT. A gun is pointed on his forehead. The trigger is pulled. HALF-BODY SHOT. FROILAN’s body falls dead on the road while his soul remains kneeling on the road. DISSOLVE BACK TO FROILAN NEAR THE ALTAR.

                         Ang kinabuhi diay usa ka tanghaga. Ug ang gahum ug pagmahal
                         sa Dios dili matugkad.

FROILAN goes with MARGARITA and GABRIEL towards the beam of light that is coming from above. GWYNETH is crying and leans on the shoulder of HOWARD while TEDDY winks at him and gives his two thumbs up. Entering from the back entrance, NAP, GERALD and ELAINE, who all have cuts and burns in their skins, run and embrace GWYNETH. The SECURITY GUARD who also enters from the back entrance is amazed to see FROILAN, MARGARITA and GABRIEL enter and vanish through the beam of light.


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