Thursday, March 28, 2013


Nangka is a flatland coastal barangay that is located northwest of Balamban. It has a total land area of 530 hectares. It is bounded by Cantuod, Biasong, the Municipality of Asturias, and the TaƱon Strait.

It is politically subdivided into six (6) sitios, namely: Buswang, Bangbang, Lamak, Pilit (San Vicente), Nangka Proper, and Inmaculada.

The barangay was named after the jackfruit known locally as “nangka” which was brought by the Javanese during the pre-Hispanic period to the old sunken trade center then known as Balambang named after the ancient city of western Java.

Jackfruit is a fruit tree scientifically known as Artocarpus heterophyllius. Its fruit which is the largest tree-borne edible fruit in the world, reaching 80 pounds in weight and up to 36 inches long and 20 inches in diameter is a favorite dessert of Filipinos.The interior of the fruit consists of large edible bulbs of yellow, sweet, banana-flavored aromatic flesh that encloses a smooth seed. As the fruit ripen at the bottom of the trunk, this tree can be (and should be) pruned annually to 12' x 12' producing as much as 200 Lbs. of fruit per year. Seedlings start fruiting within 3-4 years. The plant requires organic soil and regular water. Mature trees can tolerate some frost, smaller plants must be protected. Jackfruit grows best in deep, sandy loam to clay loam soils of medium fertility with good drainage.

Many people believe that the leaves of the jackfruit tree can cure skin diseases. The bast of the tree is utilized in making rope and clothing. Cebuanos use the wood of the jackfruit tree in making excellent guitars and ukeleles, that’s why jackfruit orchards are becoming increasingly popular in Cebu. More and more farmers are becoming aware of the versatility of the jackfruit and they are exploring still other possible uses for it. Aside from food, the jackfruit is also used for commercial and noncommercial purposes. The fruit, trunk, leaves, and roots can be utilized for household use or can be processed commercially. The trunk can be used as lumber or building material. The leaves can be used as medicine, fodder for animals, and compost. Its latex can be used as paste or glue. The seeds can be used as food, for human consumption, feeds or planting materials while the roots can be used as handle for farm implements.1

The barangay being the site of the old town of Balamban is rich in Spanish and American ancestral houses. 

In terms of education, it has schools from elementary to college -- to wit: Nangka Elementary School, Nangka National High School, and the Cebu Normal University - Balamban Campus.

Politically, it is being dominated by the Pilapil and Tagalog clans.

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